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Keeping Your Sizing Strategy Up to Date

Now that your brand has completed its onboarding, the only matter left is the maintenance of your sizing strategy. Our team will handle the heavy lifting in this matter, there are only two essential steps needed to ensure your success with WAIR.

1. Informing WAIR of New Product Launches

It is of vital importance to inform your dedicated customer success manager of any upcoming product launches, along with providing any corresponding tech packs, grade rules, and other garment-specific resources for sizing. 

This process can be as simple as sending a quick email to your dedicated customer success manager. It will ensure WAIR can deliver the sizeless commerce experience to your shoppers the day the new product goes live!


2. Informing WAIR of Any Deviations in Sizing Direction

We openly encourage the evolution of your sizing standards and can play a vital role in helping your brand shape its sizing around the bodies of your shoppers. 

Occasionally, a brand will want to deviate from its predetermined sizing direction to target a specific body type/shape, usually to better align with its target market. 

Please inform your customer success manager of any changes in sizing direction so that our team is both aware of the shift and can provide any needed guidance to ensure the transition goes as smoothly as possible. 


If you have any further questions regarding the maintenance of your sizing strategy, please get in touch with your dedicated customer success manager. Thank you!